treat dogs with resppeckt and kindness!!.

angry dog

chaning dogs up will increse them to be ageresive and they cuold poticholy bite or hurt someone

an ageresvie dog will harm you so you need to try to calim them down and if that dosen't work you need to seek help get porfeshnol dog traner to help you trust me it will go a long way and affter all of the traning you also need to change your ways and you need tou look and hear for when your dog has had enoff of your tuching and rubing just remeber your dogs don't always want to be thuch so you to laern their lemet.

agresive dog

like all dogs if you tret them do bad things to them they are going to be agresive

and if all of that traning and you changeing your ways still dones't work it mite just be time say goodbye to the dog you can't always help or fix a dogs agereshin because all dogs have a ageresive side to them and somes are stronger then others but it just means that you helped the dog by taking the dog to a better place.

angry dog

for exsampol this dog is being agerssive because he/she is angery it is angery at the owner or it is just scard and the dog is just trying to protect somthing or it is trying to protect it self and there is no other opshen then to be ageressive and it just wnats to be safe like all the rest of other dog that are ageressive twords people.

so no more chaning and no more traning dogs to be ageressive we just want dogs that are nice and not ageressive cause it's not fun having a ageressive dog so lets all stop teting ower dogs like they are some tpe of toy we can misteat cause dogs have fellings to so let's teat dogs with respeck and kindness like we all treat echother!!!!.