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I'm 12 years old in 7th grade. Some things that represent me is playing volleyball and softball, and my funniness. Some of my favorite things are flamingo, ice cream, and sleeping in my bed.

Flamingo in the water

The flamingo picture was from Pedro Szekely on wikipedia. CC-BY

(:Sence of Humor;)

This is where my funniness comes from. Not only do I tell bad "jokes", I laugh at them, even if they're not funny. Most of the time I laugh at myself. When someone feels upset I try to make them laugh or smile. Most of the time it works, if it doesn't I start to laugh. Then they smile or laugh.

~Tips and Tricks~

I have some good tips for organizing and cleaning. For example, rooms, desk, closet, locker, backpack, etc. Some tricks I have are useful, helpful, and dumb. Like using the twisty thing that is one bread, use it for cords(headphones,chargers, mouses, etc.)

bread twist ties

The bread twist ties was by Evan-Amos on wikipedia. CC-BY

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.