Carla's Introduction Paragraph


(Day of caring)Picture taken by: Kent Polen,CAO of NEOimpact academy

My name is Carla. When I turned 11 I moved from Puerto Rico to Ohio. In Ohio I studied 6th and 7th. On 8th I had the great opportunity to enter a stem school. In the future I would like to be an army doctor or surgeon. At the moment I am studying at the stem school which will help me prepare for the career that I want in the future.

My career as a student has been good all these years. I have always been a student of A and B. A class in which I have been difficult is the science class, for me it is the most difficult because last year we did not take much science. The biggest class that I put a lot of satisfaction is the computer science class.

In middle school, participate in volleyball, basketball, soccer, baking club and girls who code club. My schoolmates and I went to clean some streets. I have experience working since I am a soccer referee. I have many hobbies but I will only say two. One of my hobbies is doing sports and the other is listening to music. All these activities have helped me to grow as a person and learn new things that I did not know.

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