Wildlife and National parks in Africa:Kenya.

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Lake Nakuru National park.

Origin:Kenya Nakuru county.

Maasai Mara

Lake Nakuru National Park is Infested with different types of animals namely:Rhinos,Flamingos,Elephants,Buffalos,Zebras,Warthogs,Monkeys e.t.c This animals are well taken care of because the wildlife service is trying to preserve their species for the future because other animals are becoming extinct.

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Maasai Mara National park.

Origin:Kenya:Narok county.

It is a National park and reserve where local and international tourists come to see the different species of animals in Kenya.It has Lions,Rhinos,Elephants,Giraffes,Cheetahs,Leopards,Antelopes,Lions e.t.c.It is well respected because of the culture in the region its located near the border of Kenya and Tanzania.


Nairobi National park.

Origin: Kenya:Nairobi

It is located in the capital city of Kenya which is Nairobi. It is a tourist attraction and we can say its a backbone of income. It has different types of species which include Monkeys,Chimpanzees,Lions,Gazelles,Rhinos and others.


Amboseli National park.

Located in Lokitoktok Riftvalley.

This animals are well taken care of by the Wild service in the country. Elephants are endangered species because they are hunted by Poachers because of their tusks,so they are well taken care of.All in all it has other species.