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Cheer Pyrimid

  1. Allstar Cheerleading
  2. This type of cheerleading is very intense,these teams have 6 levels 1-6. Level 5 and level 6 teams can go to worlds and win the worlds championship. Level 1-4 can go to Summit. Summit is like worlds but for lower teams. These teams travel all around the U.S.

  3. Sideline Cheer
  4. This type of cheerleading cheers at sports events, such as Football and Basketball. These teams do not compete and usually have a halftime routine. They somtimes also do sideline cheers where they rile up the crowd. They usually do stunts too. They can cheer at games from Flag Football to the Superbowl.

  5. Rec. Cheer
  6. This type of cheer competes but they do not travel. They compete at local competitions. The top competition is State. They are not as intense but they still can be very intense. This is the type of cheer I do. Our season just ended and we won State! If you are looking for a competitve cheer but you dont want to travel, I would recemend Recreational Cheer.