
The Wonder Women Bootcamp

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As Wonder Women was fighting crime she would tend to get exhuated. So, after all the excitement should would go home and eat a replenishing meal and excercises that helped her body recover either mentally or physically. The thing is the other super heros tried and very few past, not even Batman could do it! So her question is will you try to do it and become be just like the famous Wonder Women or will you be just like silly old Batman? This challenge will help you become your best self why not give it a try. The challenge is only two months long and after reading the instructions you will see that you can do it!

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Steps in the Challenge

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  1. Wake and make your bed
  2. Do a work out or yoga
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast
  4. Brush and wash you face
  5. Get ready to go to work
  6. An hour before lunch eat a small healthy snack
  7. Have a good lunch
  8. Once you get home do a workout or yoga
  9. Then read for 30 mins to an hour
  10. Make an healthy dinner
  11. Wash your face
  12. At once you finish that you can do what ever you want but be in bed a ready to go to sleep by 10:30 or earlier
  13. By the end of the day you should drink a gallon of water


The first thing you have to do sign up for benfits of beating the challenge. First, go to the Wonder Women Bootcamp app and sign up! Then take a before picture and at the end of two months take a after. For the most benfits you can take a picture or video everyday for an extra surpise gift at the end!

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Fun Fact

This challenge if you can follow through for the whole time period, then you will get a free Wonder Women sweatshirt that is made by Nike and a $85 dollar gift card for anything in the nike store plus a free water bottle!

For tips and tricks go to the next page to see what Wonder Women does to do this everyday. Such as her favorite foods and snacks, workouts, favorite books,ect.

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