Scary Stories

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The Wreck

Fred and Jeanne went to the same high school,but they met for the first time at the Christmas dance. Fred had come by himself,and so had Jeanne.Soon Fred decided thet Jeanne was one of the nicest girls he had ever met.They danced together most of the evening.At eleven o'clock Jeanne said,"I have to leave now.Can you give me a ride?" "Sure,"he said."I've got to go home,too." "I accidentally drove my car into a tree on my way over here,"Jeanne said. "I guess I wasn't paying attention."Fred drove her to the head of Brady Road. It was in a neighborhood he didn't know very well."Why don't you drop me off here,"Jeanne said. "The road up ahead is in really bad condition.I can walk from here."Fred stopped the car and held out some tinsel."have some,"he said."I got it at the dance." "Thank you," she said " I'll put it in my hair," and she did."Wouldyou lide to go out sometime, to a movie or something?" Fred asked. "That would be fun,"Jeanne said. After Fred drove off, he realized that he did not know Jeanne's last name or her telephone number. "I'll go back," he thought. "The road can't be that bad." He drove slowly down Brady Road through a thick woods, but there wasn't a sign of Jeanne. As he came around a curve, he saw the wreckage of a car ahead. It had crashed into a tree and had caught fire. Smoke was one trapped inside, crushed against the steering column. It was Jeanne. In her hair was the Christmas tinsel he had given her.

Alvin Swartz-More Scary Stories to tell in the dark

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The Bride

The minister's daughter had just gotten married. After the wedding ceremony there was a great feast, with music and dancing and contests and games, even old children's games. When they got to p;aying hide-and-seek, the bride decided to hide in het gtandfather's trunk up in the attic. "They'll never find me there,"she thought. As she was climbing into the trunk, the lid came down and cracked her on the head, and she fell unconscious inside. The lid slammed shut and locked. No one will ever know how long she called for help or how hard she struggled to free herself from that tomb. Everyone in the village searched for her, and they looked almost everywhere> But no one thought of looking. After a week her brand-new bride-groom and all the others gave her up for lost. Years later a maid went up into the attic looking for something she needed. "Maybe it is in the trunk," she thought. She opened it-and screamed. There lay the missing bride in her wedding dress, but by then she was only a skeleton.

Alvin Swartz-More Scary Stories to tell in the dark

Scary Lake

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Wonderful Sausage

One dark, rainy Saturday afternoon, a fat and jolly butcher named Samuel Blunt had an argument over money with his wife, Eloise. Blunt lost his temper and killed Eloise. Then he ground heer up into sausage meat and buried her bones under a big flat rock in the backyard. To keep the murder a secret, he told everyone that she had moved away. Blunt mixed his new sausage meat with pork, then seasoned it with salt and pepper, added some sage and smoked it in hes smokehouse for a while. He called it "Blunt's Special Sausage." There was such a demand for this new sausage that Blunt bought the best hogs he could find and started raising his own pork. He also kept a sharp lookout for humans who might make a tasty sausage meat. One day a nice, plump schoolteacher came into his shop. Blunt grabbed her and ground her up. Another time Blunt's dentist came by. He was a little, round man, and into the grinder he went. Then one by one, the children in the neighborhood began to disappear. And so did their kittens and puppies. But no one ever dreamed that Blunt the butcher had thing to do with it. Things went on that way for years. Then one day Blunt made a big mistake. A fat boy came into the butcher shop. Blunt grabbed him and started to drag him off to the sausage grinder. But the boy broke loose, and ran out of the shop, and Blunt chased after him waving a big butcher knife. When people saw this, they realized at once what had become of all the missing children and grown-ups and kittens and pu[[ies. An angry crowd gathered at the butcher shop. No one knows for sure just what happened to Blunt that day. Some say he was fed to his hogs. Others say he was fed to his grinder. But he was never seen again, and neither was his wonderful sausage meat.

Alvin Swartz-More Scary Stories to tell in the dark

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