
About singing

Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice. Someone who sings is called a vocolist. Singers perform music that can be sung with or without musical instruments. Singing without musical instruments is called, ocapela.

Different types of singing

There are multiple types of sining such as, rap, pop, and contry.A rap artist is Eminem. A pop artist is Ariana Grande. A contry artist is Luke bryan. Personaly my favorite kind of music to listen to and sing to is pop.

What singing means to me

Singing is very important to me because ive grown up hearing music. Ive always loved to sing. I sing when im sad, happy, and mad. Whenever I hear a song on the radio I always sing to it even if im not a fan of the song. Sometimes I dont even know all of the words to the song but I still try and sing the whole thing.