Climate Change in Different Continents


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Antarctica's ice caps have been melting at an alarming rate due to climate change and the warming of the atmosphere. Did you know that 500 gigatons of ice is melted from the Antartic every year? One way we can slow climate change in Antarctica is by donating to charities that help the change of climate in Antarctica. One of these charties is Polar Latitudes. They are devoted to helping the animals and habitat of the Artic and the antartic.

Here is a link to their website:

Polar Latitudes


South America

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In South America, droughts and rising sea levels are constant due to the climate change in the world. Without proper assistance, South America's people and wildlife would suffer due to fresh water contamination and acidified ocean water. One charity helping South America is the Charles Darwin Foundation, who is devoted to protecting wildlife and keeping some animal species from going extinct. This is a link to take you to their webpage:

Charles Darwin Foundation



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In Africa, the warming of the climate has made it hard for the people living there. droughts, floods and the migration of locusts into Africa has taken a toll on Africas human and economical aspects. the COVID-19 pandemic has not made it easier for them at all. One charity that donates to aid people in africa is GiveDirectly. They allow people to fund other directly through money and help those in need to purchase more essentials. this is a link to take you to their webpage:




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Would it shock you if you found out that Indonesia has already had two of its islands swallowed by the sea, and that four more on already on the brink? Unfourtionatly, it is true. The Indonesian land sinks by 25 centimeters meters every year, and increasing. The presedent has already relocated the capital, Jakatara, to a more centralized city. Jakatara has already sunk 10 whole meters in the last 10 years. Due to water wells that delve deep underneath the city, the countrys reliance for that as a water source has caused the land to sink into the sea,becaue of this, they are in need of a better water alternative. Water Misson is a non-profit orgaization that helps those in need and supplys the with fresh water. This is a link that takes you to their website:

Water Mission



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Austrailia has always been threatened by climate change, due to the rising tempuratures and the steady increase of 1 degrees celsius per year. Recently, there has been wildfires around Austrailia, destroying wildlife and homes. The rise of dryness and heat has made life hard in Austrailia, making animals and humans alike suffer due to the heat. The Austrailian Conservation Foundation helps combat fires and fund firefighters in Austrailia, slowing the progress of the wildfires. This is a link to take you to their website:

Austrailian Conservation Foundation