Welcome to Alien Tech! This interstellar company has been making games since 394736 BT (before time on Earth). And I'm thinking we start at the beginning of the story!

 Let's start at the beginning, or, check out our games on the "GAMES" tab! If you're still here, it all started 394736 BT (before time on Earth) when a simple ገዳይ ቶክሲኪስት decided he wanted to try something new... After working for a boring "tea shop" for 7 years I decided to learn a little bit about a place called "Earth". It was a bit weird at the start because they had this thing called "fights"? Apparently they haven't evolved into beings that solve things peacefully with words.

 But anyway, lets get back with the story. When that kid found out about a thing called the "Video Game", as soon as he heard about it he decided to find a team and try to make one of these games. And he then decided to make a game and release it on the tech they had. It didn't get to far out, but it did get out. So they decided to adapt the game to more technology, and it went booming! And as they were the only game development studio, they were the best.

 Although, they decided to grow, and stayed on top as the game development industry quickly grew. And, we'll fast forward a few days, and we decided, since Earth had just started going through something they call "Covid-19" or "Corona virus". So we decided to give Earth what they were missing and adapt the games into Earth technology. And it's going pretty well if you ask me!

 As you know, Al1eN TeCh could not exist if it wasn't for the people making it. So, here's their recognition:

  • The Game Designer: MrSlitherGamer_YT
  • The Artist: Diabye
  • The Musician: Diabye
  • The Programmer: MrSlitherGamer_YT
  • The Animator: Abdallah Amr
  • The Game Tester: DoomGuy

You can learn about the team here:

If you follow this link, you can download and/or play our games! We worked very hard on them so it would be nice if you played them! Enjoy:

Or you can go here! Again, enjoy:

If you wish to contact any of our workers, check this out:

And if you wish to donate to us to help fund our work, check out this link:

If you wish to get a job here, then feel free to check out this link: