Business Info
Thor's Background

Thor's Bakery


Who is Thor?

Thor is the sun of Odin. He uses his mighty abilitys as the God of Thunder to protect his home Asgard and planet Earth. Thor wields the power of ancestors to fight evil throughout the Nine Realms and beyond. There is one problem though, Thor doesn't want to be a superhero anymore. That's where Thor realizes that he wants to retire and move to the U.S to become a baker and persue one of his other hobbies.

CC-BY-NC-ND - Flickr

What is Thor's Bakery?

Thor's bakery is a business that Thor and some of his coworkers at Marvel created to make delicious Thor treats. Thor's bakery was built in 2019 and was founded in 2017.

CC-BY-SA - Flickr

Why did we start this business?

  1. We want Thor to be more recognized.
  2. No other superhero has any type of food business.
  3. Thor is a great baker!
  4. Thor wants a fun place for his fans to come see him along with tasty treats. He loves to make them happy!