Race Framed Within Appearance

Coded By: Sienna

I have noticed that the way you look automatically determines the way you are treated. Being a person of color does affect how people look at you. As a women of color, I have noticed that sometimes I'm not called on as much at school or I'm made fun of based on my appearance. When someone thinks of beauty, there shouldn't be just one definition or image that pops up in their head. They should see people of color, from different backgrounds, with disabilites, and a range of different sizes as beautiful.

Some Important Definitions to Know

The American Beauty Standard By: Lauren

What do you think is beautiful? Now think about what you think isn't. Beauty standards seem as simple as it sounds but is it all that? Today I will be telling you about how beauty standards are influenced by race. People think that the perfect woman is someone who is white, has blonde hair, blue eyes, large breasts and an hourglass figure, a perfect butt, etc. But,is that realistic? Being the perfect woman without somehow being criticized isn't possible. There is no such thing as the ”perfect woman.” The american beauty standard is built to be biased toward being white, completely natural, having things like no surgery of any kind are found to be more attractive according to the american beauty standard. But this beauty standard is oppressive and discriminates against people who can't control how they are born and what skin color they are born with or how much melanin they have. The american beauty standard is geared to be beneficial to girls that are white and saying things like, “girls who are latina or biracial, black, asian, pacific islanders, or natives are ugly and can't be the perfect woman when in fact every woman is the perfect woman because we are the perfect us.” When someone tells you that you are not to they're ‘standards’ just remember that they aren't even worth your time. You are amazing and gorgeous. Be proud of your culture. Who cares if you look different?

Nayeli's Website

Colorism PSA

Lyndi's Article

Color has a big effect on people. It's not illegal for people not to hire other people for their color or ethnicity. The world is getting better at having colored people for models like Lizzo. The world did not start like this. Racism was said to have started around the 1880-1900s but got really bad in the 1900s. Color is not the only problem tho. Ethnicity is to. People get in fights just because of it (Like world war 2). And color as well. People like to make fun of people that look and sound different lowing their self-esteem.

Angelina's Writing

Appearance is an act of performing or participating in a public event that can lead to a cruel life. Not only that the person has to lose the people who love, care and support. Also popularity can lead to stress and sadness.

Peyton's Quotes and Images

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