Brandon's review page

Adventure Time

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In adventure time, two best friends named Jake the dog and Finn the human go out on adventures or just go out and have fun sometimes with their friends. They also go out to defeat brave warriors, monsters, bad guys, etc.


Finn once boom boomed in the forest on a leaf and was crying for help and everyone that passed by him didn't help until jake the dog's parents decided to give him love and affection so they took him and treated him like if he was their baby.


In adventure time Finn, jake, bmo, princess bubble gum, and everyone else have made amazing memories and some bad ones. Jake and Finn met many new people and they've made tons of friends along the way. They have been known as heroes to their community

Character developement

Character development is a very important thing in almost every/any movie, show, series, etc. I would say that Finn and Jake's character development is amazing because they both learn new things and they also mature which is sad. They've been through a whole lot and you can really see the difference between them in the first episode and last.

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Main bad guys


  • The lich has possesed princess bubblegum before
  • He has also tried taking over the world/humanity
  • He has also tried to kill Finn and Jake more than once
  • After The Lich was freed by the hypnotized snail he controlled, he killed Billy in vengeance and wore his body like a costume, using the corpse of the hero to manipulate Finn and Jake to get to The Time Room.
  • Ice king

  • Ice king has been kidnapping princesses so one of them could marry him
  • Ice king has tried to kill finn and jake many times but he fails everytime
  • Ice king made ricardo who tricked princess bubblegum then tried to take her heart
  • he secretly plots to make an elite army of wives to take over the world with.
  • Overall

    Adventure time was an amazing show especially the ending. I'd reccomend it to everyone because it is funny and very enjoyable.A lot of episodes and seasons so it would take a while to finish but once you're done, you'd wish there would've been more episodes. Image description