The EPIC coding adventure of the four bois

About each project

made by Antonio, Khang, Elijah and Felipe

  • The Minecraft project

  • This is a web page that teaches you about minecraft. If you are intreseted in learning, then you may view this piece of art that is a mini project.
    This project was made because we wanted to teach people about the tox- I mean amazing game known as minecraft. Life lesson: if you put lots of time and effort,then you could turn a small thing into something big.
    As sun tzu once said, patience is the key to defeat your worse enemies and in this case, the other web page maker are the enemies.

    Antonio's personal cat web page

    This web page is about fun facts about Antonio's cat

    There isn't much to it but if you do like learning about cats then you can observe Antonio's cat habits and other things that he/she did.

    Life lesson: You learn something new everyday (maybe)

    Khang's personal life

    this web page teaches you about the life of Khang's life and the dora type dream that he has .

    Antonio's life

    This web page teaches you about the life of the Antonio who was a happy little boy :D.
    Life lesson: Don't let any negative emotions crush you. Be strong and don't let any social anxiety take control of your life. If Antonio can show an "Amazing photo" of him when was little with no regrets, then you can also do something similar to that (maybe).

    Elijah's life

    This web page teaches you about the life of Elijah

    Life lesson: You never know what you have until you lose it

    Elijah's magical gym

    This web teaches you about the magical gym that show you how to get strong and also the benefits of working out. If you would like to learn on how to become a big strong boy or girl, then this 1 miniute project will teach you how to become the next average highschooler worst enemy :D

    Life lesson: When effort is added, then your future is bright

    Felipe's life

    The life of Felipe is all here. If you would like to learn about Felipe, then this is the page for you.

    Random sentence : The world is an unkown place and to be able to discover, find your thoughts and let them guide you to the light of knowledge.

    Scratch Project

    This page teaches you about the scratch project that was made by khang. This project shows you on how I made it and how to play each game

    Link to each page