Who is ME!!!!
ME!!!! is a person, ME!!!! is the person who is making these words your reading right now! This ME!!!! is actually, literaly, incredibly just me. Seriously. ME!!!! is not a robot but a normal human being!! Im not kidding! ME!!!!
Also has feelings and if you tease/mock him he will get very mad and he will haunt you for life! So just giving you a kind tip never mock/tease him behind his back or else... Also he can hear anythig you say about him so make sure you compliment him now. I will to: "you are the best person on earth ME!!!!" There, see i did it to. The next paragraph will talk about his feelings.
Types of me
There are many types of me in the world. Some of these ME!!!!'s are:
- The ME!!!! - me which is the ordinary ME!!!!
- The ME!!!! - me which is when ME!!!! is angry
- The ME!!!! - me which is a type of extraterrestrial ME!!!
- The ME!!!! - me which is when I like pencils
The End of ME!!!!
You cant think that ME!!!! is a bad person or a good person. However, you can praise ME!!!! by saying that he is awesome. But as I said, never say he is a good person. The main reason you shouldnt say this is because he created this day in the week called opposite day. On this day he takes everthingin the completely opposite way. Its fairly self-explanatory. There is one more thing about opposite day that you should know, but this information is very strange and you could faint from shock. Brace your self... what I mean is that on opposite day he will get mad if you compliment him.