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Taking care of your pet

You need to make sure your pet stays clean and groomed.

To keep your pet clean you would give he/she baths every 3-4 weeks and to keep it groomed you would brush their fur, clip its toenails, brush its teeth etc.


yorkshire by Pets Adviser from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Yorkshire_Terrier_-_Ch_Hunderwood_I%27M_So_Chic_1_(16398889939).jpg CC/BY

You also need to make sure your taking your dog to the vet, and you need to make sure you give your pet the right amount of food daily.Because if you give your dog too much food he/she will become overweight.So you just need to make sure your giving your dog the right amount of food so they can stay healthy.

List of things to wash your dog with

  • Dog Shampoo/Soap
  • Water
  • Hands to rub the soap around
  • Towel or something to dry your dog off with
  • You also need to make sure the soap does not get in your dogs ears, eyes, nose, and mouth