Annabelle The Doll

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Annabelle is probably the most famous haunted doll. She's been in movies and stories. She was possesed by a little girl named Annabelle. She caused deadly trouble. She would kill people, hurt people, and even move around by herself. The Warrens took her away in a bag to their museum. There, they had all their haunted antiques that they have solved. You can visit the museum but dont touch anything, especially Annabelle's case. If you don't think Annabelle can do something to you, don't even try to make it come true, because it's most likely wrong.

The Warrens museum is very famous for Annabelle. Their other antiques are very popular too but Annabelle just stands out because everyone knew who she was when she came out on the big screen. theatres were packed and sold out by the popularity of Annabelle. But now, people aren't scared of Annabelle, they know her and know what she can do. She's getting old sometimes and people aren't scared anymore.

Possesion process
Story collection