If you or anyone you know is in immediate danger please call one of the hotlines below

You can save someone's life

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

National Suicide Prevention Hotline



National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders



Victim Connect Resource Center


Online chats, podcasts, and other resources

Teenager Therapy
- This podcast made by five highschoolers Mark, Thomas, Kayla, Isaac and and Gael talk about the struggles of high school, sexuality, breakups, and so much more. Made in their bedroom they wanted to be genuine with the advice they give, their experiences and they wanted people who listen to their podcast to not feel alone. I have personally listened to this podcast and as a 16 year old sometimes find myself laughing along to their stories and I think a lot of people would agree when I say it's nice knowing so many other people have gone through the same thing you are. Some episodes I would recommend would be " Dealing With Anxiety/Depression","Body Image/Eating Issues/Bullying", and "Listen When You Feel Alone". Now they have over a hundred episodes uploaded, but I encourage you to give this podcast a try and maybe you'll find something like I did.

- This website that is part of a non-profit organization offers that is open during all hours of the day. You can call a volunterr open during that time, but as an alternative there is also a chat avaliable when you first enter the website. Their focus suicide intervention, prevention, awareness, and education, but you can also become a volunteer, donate or go to their awareness college events. This site is not only for people seeking help but also people who want to get educated and help others.

Recovery Record: Eating Disorder Management
- This app that you can download on your phone or go to their website ( linked right here) is an app for recovery in eating disorders. It tracks your meals, sets meal plans, finds what coping methods are best, and keeps your progress saved. You fill in your feelings and thoughts for the day, how much you ate and if you were satisfied with your meal, after this and other questions it gives you the best coping mechanism for you. This is a great way to get motivated especially when you see your progress or even in times when you feel unaccomplished they have a recovery team when you need in-the-moment feedback and support.