The Civil war

Leading up to it

Tension started between the two nation when John Brown raids Harpers Ferry armory in a attempt to start a slave revolt.He fails and Stonewall Jackson captures him and he is hanged and his followers captuures. After that South Carolina secedes on December 20, it is the first of the 11 states to secede. It is followed by Mississipi,Florida,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana,Texas,Virginia,Arkansas,North Carolina,and Tennessee.

Famous Generals in the Union

Ulyses S. Grant the general in charge of the whole union army and the 18 president was famous for helping win the Battle of Gettysburg he and Sherman helped sweep the confederates in the end. He forced General Robert E. Lee into surrendering at the house of Appomattox.

William Tecumasheh Sherman is famous for his march through atlanta and the south. Some people thought he couldnt do it when he didnt speak to lincoln for awhile but he finally spoke and he said "for christmas I present you with the city of Savanah.

famous confederate generals

Robert E. Lee was the commanding general of the confederate army. He is the sun of light horse harry a person from the revolutionary war. He helped defeat the uniion at many battles at the begining. He was offered a job by both the union and the confederacy. He denied the union but accepted the offer from the confederacy because he was loyal to his home, Virginia who left the union. One of his quotes is "if I had all the slaves in the world I would free them all just to stop this bloody war".

Stonewall Jackson was a confederate general and Robert E. Lee righthand man. He got his nickname when he stood like a stonewall at the battle of manassas or bullrun. He was a great general but was killed by his own troops after coming back from reconnassaince. He died at the battle of Chancellorville