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The 100

If you don't like seeng blood or people being killed or killing movie's this movie\series is not for you. The 100 is a series it is not a movie and it is not for children under 10 or 9. Here is a thing you should know; it has 3-5 scenes that are not for children the scene don't go to far it is FINE!.


By itunes.apple.com from https://itunes.apple.com/au/tv-season/the-100-season-5/id1352505594

The Originals

This is also a killing movie/serie. If you dont like fantacy movies/serie this movie/series is not for you. The Originals is a series it has werewolfs, witches, and vampires, it has blood and killing people.


By sameQuizy from https://samequizy.pl/glosowanie-na-temat-the-originals/