In my opinion Graffiti is beautiful and isn't a problem. A lot of people will disagree with this statement, but I don't mind that. Everybody has opinions and mine is that graffiti is an amazing thing. You have to have so much talent to make good graffiti and I will not stop an artist from creating a masterpiece. I will not block off their creativity because we all need to be able to be creative in our own ways.
(this is a video that I have watched that is of a man using the glitch effect for his graffiti or art)
Some facts about graffiti
1. the first time graffiti was found on ancient Roman architecture 2. The graffiti we know today first began in the late 1960 in Philadelphia
What is "bombing"
"Bombing" is to throw up a huge graffiti piece or tagging a lot of areas in one night. by anarchosyn