Famous Foods Around the World

Everyone loves tasty foods and here are some popular foods. Also everyone loves tasty desserts and drinks.

Top 3 Famous Foods

Famous Desserts
Popular Drinks
  1. Massaman curry from Thailand
  2. Pizza
  3. Chocolate
This information was taken from CNN

Top 3 Famous Foods Pictures

Massaman Curry
Massaman Curry
From Mairi Herbert at www.toast-nz.com

I did not think curry was going to be on there. I thought of something expensive was going to be on there, but it does look good the curry.

Pepperoni Pizza
Image taken from BrokenSphere/Wikemedia Commons
Pieces of diffrent chocolate stacked on top of each other
Image from user Aka and found at Wikipedia

On the next page it's about famous desserts.Also the other page is about popular drinks.