My Coding Adventure on Scratch!


Through my year of 6th grade, I have done many things on the website Scratch. On Scratch, we made projects such as Daleks Game, Asteriods, and Fruit Slicer. I have learned a lot about coding by using Scratch, and about making things people like. Scratch also allowed my to make my own games out of school for me and my friends to enjoy

What is Scratch?

Scratch is a website and its own coding language. The website allows you to make anything you want with the code, as well as share it to the world. You can like, favorite, and remix projects, as well as follow Scratchers you enjoy. You can choose from a variety of games and animations to play, or make your own for people to see.

Cat Double Jump

Cat Double Jump was our first game we made in ICT. The game is simply a character that can move, jump, and double jump. It taught me how to make sprites move, as well as how to make a basic gravity simulation. I went ahead and even made a bounce pad, which is the green platform at the bottom. Even though I didn't make a cat, I still had lots of fun making it!

Daleks Game

Daleks Game is a game where many enemies are after you, and you mut get them to hit one another. You can also use a shield and a teleport to escape the monsters. This game taught me how to make sprites follow each other, as well as sense if they were touching another sprite.


Asteriods is a game where you must fly around the screen to avoid the flying objects. You can blast the objects to destroy them, but they will multiply when broken. This game taught us to make clones of sprites and make the have their own movement control.

Rainbow Lines

Rainbow lines was a project where colorful lines generate on the screen randomly. We learned how to the pen tool, as well as change the color and thickness of the pen.

Fruit Slicer was a project I personally had a bit of trouble on. The project was about directing a slicer to fruit that pop out of the bottom and avoiding slicing cakes, or your lives would be depleted. You would also lose lives if you didn't slice a fruit.