Skimming is a type of scam where people illegally install devices onto ATMs to steal the money of those trying to get the money out of their bank account. When these people are scamming they put a device on top of the original card reader instead of changing the original card reader. Another version of skimming is when people install a device on fuel pumps so that they can steal the pin when the person is purchasing fuel. Fuel pump scam doesn't have their device on the outside they usually have the device on the inside of the machine.
Charity fraud is when people set up a fake charity and then get money and the people don't donate the money they take it for themselves. These people often use tragedies to exploit you and get more money out of you and to make it more believable. To be more careful do your research on a charity before you try to donate to it. They also take the form of fake insurance agents to steal your money and this happens mostly after some sort of natural disaster so that they can get more money out of you.
Elderly fraud is when a scammer comes into contact with an elderly person and then gains their trust and then proceeds to ask for a ridiculous amount of money. The reason that they target seniors is that most seniors are extremely trustworthy and aren't very cautious. Additionally, seniors may not be inclined to report the situation because they don't know how to or they were too ashamed to. One of the best ways to avoid these scams is to be careful in who you trust and who you give your bank information to.
These scams happen when scammers basically catfish and then gain the person's trust. After they gain your trust they would then ask you for money. The people who do these scams are very good at lying and making themselves seem believable. A way to avoid these scams is to be careful when posting on social media because then the scammers can use the information against you. They can use it to target you more easily.
Spoofing is when somebody disguises their email address into one of your most trusted sources. They usually disguise themselves by changing one letter of the website or the email of the trusted site or email that you regularly use. For example, you could receive an email from your boss asking for money. However, it's not really your boss, and it's just a scammer trying to lure you into giving money to them or bank account info. One way to protect yourself is to remember that your company won't usually ask you for your bank account number.
In phishing the scammer pretends to be a business and they ask you to renew your info. They do this by giving you a link that makes you think that it's safe when it's actually a link they created to steal your information. This fake website will ask you for sensitive info like your bank info or your credit card numbers. Before clicking on a link, over the link to see if it matches with the real website, if it does not then don't click the link.
These types of scams appear during some of the most popular holidays in the entire year like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even Halloween. These scammers try to draw your attention by giving out free vacations or even discounted vacations. The way they scam you is by telling you that the trip is free and you only have to give your credit card info. Once you give your credit card info, you don't get a trip and get money stolen out of your bank account. One of the best ways to spot one of these scams is to always be aware to not give out your credit card or bank information for prizes.
Ransomware is a scam where they make you download a file where they install malware on your device which locks your files and they only unlock if you go through a paywall. They usually accept this money in cryptocurrency. Even if you pay the price they are asking, you're not even guaranteed to then get it unlocked. If it's not unlocked, they will probably continue to ask for more and more money because they see you have money then continue to try to drain all the money out of you. One way to detect if you have downloaded Ransomware on your device is that random pop-ups show up and ask you to pay money.
Adoption scams happen when a person does an illegal act during the adoption process. For it to be considered illegal, the act has to be for personal or financial gain. Fraudulent adoption scams can come from adoption agencies, birth parents, and adoptive parents. In some cases, adoptive parents are scammed by online birth mothers who promise their baby to more than one family. Most of the adoptions in the US cost between $20,000 - $40,000 and this is how the scammers get paid for doing this scam. One way to see if you getting adoption scammed is if the agency or the person giving you the child is making you sign documents you don't fully understand.
One of the main websites that I had used to provide you with this information is This website is very good because it goes into a lot of detail in every scam, and it has more scams instead of just the the most popular that I listed. It also gives more ways to avoid it.
Another link that I had used was at this website that only had about Holiday Scams this website is very good becuase it does the same thing as it goes into detail about everything you need to know about holday scams and how best to avoid them.
The places that the pictures are from are: Capitalbank, Pintrest, BBC News, Fbi, Infosites, BloggingWorld, ValleyNewsLive, Linkedin, Youtube