I am a programmer

By Tiphanie B.

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Cat Double Jump

The first project that we did in Mr. Goldstein's ICT class was Cat Double Jump, which you can see in the picture above. The project code that we had to do was trying to make a cat jump and that when it jumps it changes its background.

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Daleks Game

The Daleks game was the two projects that we had to do in Mr. Goldstein's ICT class. For this game we had to create it so that a cat had to get away from multiple bats in the game and the cat had to survive without getting caught and taken away. To control the cat you use the arrow keys on your keyboard. To start the game you press the green flag at the top Left corner and if you want to end the game at mid game you press the red stop sign that will be located next to the green flag.

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Rainbow Lines

The rainbow lines project was probably one of the funnest games that we made and it was very cool and colorful you can see it above we had to make colorful lines move around the page it was really fun to make.

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The Asteroids game was another fun game that we made. We had to drawout the little spaceship and Scratch the rock that we selected from our choices and the background was also selected. We basically had to make the setting in space.

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Fruit slicer

Fruit slicer game this game is very similar to fruit slicer app the you can download on your phone we created it to be the same but instead of bombs we put cakes that you cant cut or you lose and the fruit will pop up from the bottom and you have to slice it and it counts up your points and you go.

All the of these projects I have talked about are all thanks to Al Sweigart for teaching us how to make these codes in our ICT Mr. Goldstein's class