This year we worked on games such as Cat Double Jump, Fruit slicer, a game called Daleks we also made a Rainbow Lines prgram. Another project we did was the very fun, Asteriods game! Thanks to Al Sweigart for teaching me and my class how to code! (p.s. click on the images of the game yo want to play and it will bring you to the website)
This was the first game we ever coded and was the base for all other projects that followed.
In this project we learned:
Double Jumping
Background changes
The second game we learned how to prgram was Daleks. In Daleks we coded:
The cat can teleport from one place to another place randomly selected. It also has a cooldown period to make the gae a bit harder to play.
The cat also has a shield. When the bats touch the shield, they dissapear. The sheid only lasts for a short preiod of time so it has to be used wisely. This also hasa cooldown period
We created a Rainbow Lines program.
Created beautful patterns of custonmizable rainbow lines.
Allowed the players to change line thickness, transparancy, and color consistancy.
We created an
We learned how to code clones
We learndes how to code spaceship velocity
We learned how to code brodcasting and reciving messages to better corrdinate sprites
We learned how to code a scoreboard
We leanred how to dofe asteriod veocity and rotation
We earned how to code a game over screen
This was the final scratch project we coded. In this project we coded:
A tracing of cursor locations using a list
A slicer that the player can use to sice the fruit as it's thrown up into the air.
A health display that can decrease and increase based on what the player misses and how often they revive.
A keypress that saves the player from losing
A cloud variable that keeps track of the high scores of all users
I learned a lot about prgramming by coding these in scratch. I hope you enjoy playing these!