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Apple just released their new M3 chip! Here is what to expect.

By Langson Tinsley Righton

Now it may not come as a suprise, but the M3 chip makes some of AMD's and Intel's chips look like crap. It also does the some thing to its predecessor, drastically improving on them, with the M3 chip drastically improving over the M1 chip family more than doubling the speed of the M1, and the M3 max being 45% faster than the M2 chip. Apple's new chip family is great for peple who need a powerhouse laptop with them, or if there is a professional looking to have a powerfull iMac that could be used for both personal and professional projects such as recording songs and editing the song in GarageBand, and using the footage of you playing to make a music video with the track that you recorded and edited, and have that rendering in iMovie, while you do work as an AI creator simultaneously running on your iMac. All in the comfert of your own home, all in one killer of a computer. It's safe to say that the M chips series alone might just be the most powerfull chip the mac has ever gotten, even comparing it to its oringinal motorola proceser. I tryed to imagen what the older processers in macs would be like, and preform like if they were invented in 2023 . The results I got were:

  • 1. M3
  • 2. M2
  • 3. M1
  • 4. Intel, PowerPc G3, G4, G5. (Intel and PowerPc were preaty close but intel beat PowerPc G3, G4, and G5 by a small amont.)
  • 5.Older PowerPc procesers
  • 6. Motorola procesers
  • So I think that realy show how good the M series chips are better than than any other mac CPU, and each new M chip builds on the last one and adds more features always making it better than its predocesor.