To the nest!

Weapon type: Basic Barrel

the basic barrel is a very simplistic weapon on diep, comeing in tecnacly one form, but I split them into four: the basic barrel, the sniper barrel MK1, Sniper barrel MK2(only present in the talker), and the destroyer/annialator barrel.

basic tank CC-BY

The basic barrel is a med-speed fireing, somewhat trashy basic turret that is not really a threat, but is pesent is most of the tanks in Diep.

sniper tank CC-BY-SA

The sniper barrel MK1 has a faster bullet moement speed, but a slower reload than its shorter couterpart.

destroyer tank CC-BY-SA

The destroyer/annialator cannon fires VEEEERY slow bullets with very high penetration

the stalker CC-BY-SA

The sniper barrel MK2 ,or the stalker barrel, is a further inmrovement on its slightly less styleish counterpart, the sniper, haveing a readicoulus ability to cloak, and an even higher bullet penetration.

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