How Can LIT Help Your Future?

Hello everyone and my name is Nicholas Rodriguez a scholar of L.I.T Summer Camp . And here I will tell you how L.I.T Camp can help you and how it’s already helped me and a lot more students.

Coding is something of the future that will be important and L.I.T Camp gives kids the oppurtunity to build a foundation on that very very important skill

Okay... But How Can It Help Me?

Latinos In Tech (LIT) provides amazing support for important skills that people need right now which as I said before is coding. LIT Camp offers children the opportunity for 6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) to learn coding and the making of web pages.

LIT Camp also gives an opportunity to meet with professionals from all over New Jersey and more that will guide the children in the making of the web page and give them feedback, advice, and much more.


Another opportunity LIT Camp gives to the children is opportunities to visit places like Rutgers to show them their hands on the opportunities places like Rutgers give them.


Credit to Kara West

How L.I.T Helps Past the Program

LIT Camp not only provides help for the people that signed up but also teaches other people in the organization about the importance of coding.

This year LIT Camp helped a group of children with simple coding that most of the children hadn’t seen before. The project called “Pirate Plunder” helped build a foundation of coding that most of the children hadn’t seen.

The project taught the children the importance of coding and the teamwork it needs for the code to be successful.

pirate plunder pirate plunder

Credit to PRAHD Staff

What LIT Has Changed in Me

Latinos In Tech (L.I.T) has opened my view to many diffrent fields like coding and gives me the oppurtunity to take this experience and let it be the foundation of something that millions of people will want from people like me and you.

Latinos In Tech is something that prepares and helps kids and young people for coding, it builds a foundation for an important skill and allows for professional connections for most types of jobs.

Credit to PRAHD