Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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Everyday, more and more trash is building up and less and less is being recycled. Not as much is allowed to be recycled so he have to savor everything we can recycle. Recycling is the most effective way to reduce all of the waste because less materials and energy is used creating a better tomorrow.


When cardboard is recycled, it takes 75% less energy than to make the whole thing over again from scratch.
If you recycle cardboard, you save about 46 gallons of oil per box.


Every hour, 2.5 million plastic bottles are thrown away.
80% of energy is saved just by recycling plastic.
With the amount of plastic thrown away, it could circle the earth four times.
It can take up to 1,000 years for plastic to decompose.
Styrafome may never fully decompose. So if you throw it away, you could create a major issue.


85 million pounds of paper are used by Americans every year. (about 680 pounds per person)
In offices, about 70% of their trash is paper.
For every ton of paper recycled, a fully matured trees is saved.

Recycling might be the last hope for the Earth. So let's get recycling and reusing so we can reduce the amount of pollution on Earth.

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***Please check the rules around recycling in your county. Thank you!
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