Product: Tactical Pen


This picture is taken by Nicholas Booms, aka the Creator.

This ultimate utensil, king of ready-or-not, has a multitude of uses no ther regular pencil can ever do.

The lead of the pen is controled by an automatic sharpener INSIDE the pen. The shapener is caused by a pully system retracted by the edges of the interior design.

There is a hatch that opens on both sides after of the blade sharpens the led, which despences the excess lead.

The eraser is ALSO automatic as well, which has a lever that triggers a pushy system that pushes out some extra eraser for when your excess eraser is used up.

The best part, you can get erarser from other pencils and apply it, once you got the original eraser all used up.

It's the same for the led inside this pen as well, there is a tip cover for the led. At the end of the tip, the led pops out as the blades sharpens the led.

And the enjoyable parts come up, this magnificent pen cost $4.99 a peice.


This picture is taken by Nicholas Booms, aka the Creator.

(I currently do not have any of these products ready for citizen uses. This is simply a trailer.)