All About Lunar Eclispes Types of Lunar Eclispes Seeing a Lunar Eclispe

All About Lunar Eclipses

A lunar eclispe is an event which the moon moves into the Earth's shadow. This causes the moon to be darkened. This can also give the moon a bright red look. This event happens around every six months during a full moon phase. This eclispe can last for 30 minutes or a few hours. There are 3 main types of lunar eclispes including: total, partial, and penumbral. People study lunar eclipses to get an idea of what the moon may be like. We can tell what parts of the moon have boulders and parts that are flat. In over 600 million years lunar eclipses will stop happening. This is due to the fact thata the moon has slowly been drifting outwards from Earth. This rate is about 1.5 (3.8 cm) per year. After this happens the moon will appear too small to cover the sun.

lunar eclispe
Jim Champion - Wikimedia Commons - CC-BY-SA
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