
The CCT Student Council is re-elected every year. Any team of students can campaign and run for any position.

two campaining posters clipart of a man voting with info

Campaigning & Voting

At the beginning of each school year new students are elected. Multiple teams of students can run for CCT Student Council. These teams try to win people over by campaigning; they put up lots of fun posters and sometimes entice students with candy! Every student writes down who they are voting for on a slip of paper and put it into a small box. These votes are anonymous.

a digital card congradulating winners from 2022 a digital card congradulating winners from 2023

Winning & Possitions

Once everyone has voted, the votes are all added up. Whichever team has the most votes wins! It's announced on FaceBook, Thinkwave, and through email. The positions that the teams run for are Presidient and sometimes Vice President. If there is no Vice President, it usually means there are two Presidents. Another unusual position is Secretary, but it's usually not anounced like the others.

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