The PlayStation
by Xavier Iglesias, This page is under the license CC-BY-SA
The history of PlayStation
Evan Amos-Wikimedia Commons-Public Domain
Playstation gaming system was created by Sony entertainment. In 1994 the PlayStation 1 was released, but it was not in in the United States, it was in Japan. It then made its launch in the United States in 1995. The most popular games on the PlayStation 1 were Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy VII, Ace Combat 2, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Sony sold about 563.2 million PlaySation consoles between 1994 to 2022. The PlayStation 1 used a different gaming system than the Nintendo Switch. If you want to play a game on the Nintendo switch, you need to put a game card in the slot. But on the PlayStation, you need a DVD disk to play games. PlayStation was the first gaming console to sell over 100 milllion units. PlayStations main competitors such as the Xbox Series X and the Nintendo Switch. Then in the year 2000, the PlayStation 2 was released. This allowed players to play over the internet worldwide.
The PlayStation 5
Osh33m-Wikimedia Commons-CC-BY-SA
The PlayStation 5 is the newest PlayStation that Sony Entertanment has made. The Playstation 5 was released on November 12, 2020. The best thing about the PlayStation 5 is that there are no more longer load times for games. For example if you want to play Spider-Man: Miles Morales on the PlaySation 4, it would take 1 minute and 27 seconds for it to load. But if you want to play Spider-Man: Miles Morales on the PlayStation 5, it will take 17 second to load. The PlayStation 5 sold about 7.8 Million units in the year it was lanched. Some games that I like to play on the PlayStation 5 are Call of Duty WWII, Riders Republic, Fortnite, and BattleField 2042. One cool tip about the PlayStation5 controllers is that the controllers have a build in microphone, this means if you want to play with friends in a game. But if you don't have a headset with a mic. You can use the one's on the controlers. We can assume that the community thinks that the PlayStation 6 release date will be around 2026. If you would like to buy the PlayStation5, it will cost you about 500 dollars.
Fun Facts about PlayStation
JDC808-WIkimedia Commons-CC-BY-SA
Some facts about the PlaySation is that the company (Sony) is also a company that makes TV's. Sony's headquarters is in Minato-Ku Tokyo in Japan. Also there is a updated PlayStation 2 that was called the PlayStation 2 slimline that was launched on October 29, 2004. Then after the PlayStation 2 slimline, the PSP was invented (PlayStation Portable), this allowed players to bring the PlayStation everywhere instead of bringing your whole enitre PlayStation system. There were many of these PSP's. For example there was the PSP-2000, the PSP-3000, the PSP Go, and the PSP street. Another fact about PlayStation is that there were an average of 106.6 million active users with Playstation consoles in 2021, but there were 102.5 million active players in 2022. One fact about the PlayStation 2 is that the Playstation2 holds the number one rank in units by having 157 million units sold. The PlayStation 2 was a big success and beat Xbox and Nintendo. The last fact about the PlayStation is that PlayStation made 23 billion dollers in the year 2021. And made 6.33 billion dollers in profit the same year.
Sites Used:
History of PlayStation
Sale numbers and facts
PlayStation1 facts
Partners Link:
The Nintendo Switch