I Program Fun Games!
By: Reinaldo
This school year we have learned how to program many games in Scratch. We made a Cat Double Jump, a Dalek's Game, a rainbow lines program, an Asteroids
,and a Fruit Slicer game-- Thank you to Al Sweigart for teaching us how to program these great games--
Cat Double Jump
Cat Double Jump was the first game we created in Scratch, once finished we learned how to.
- Keypress
- Jumping
- Gravity
- Backdrop changes
- Wraparounds
- Double Jumping
- Sounds and music
Dalek's Game
The second game we programmed is called Daleks., While we programed Daleks game we learned how to program:
- A teleportation mechanism that teleports the Cat to a random location in the stage when the "t" key is pressed, but there is a cool down of five seconds every time it is used.
- We also learned how to program a shield that protects the Cat for one second once the "S" key is pressed, but like the teleportation it has a cool down time but the cool down for the shield is ten secconds long.
- The game over screen also works as a start screen
Rainbow Lines
We created a beautiful Rainbow Lines program that.
- Created colorful patterns of Rainbow lines with the pen tool.
We programmed an Asteroids game we learned to program with
- Clones
- Spaceshipe velocity
- Broadcast messages and Receive messages between sprites
- A scoreboard
- Asteroid velocity and rotatio
- A game over screen.
Fruit Slice
This was the last geame we programed and we learned how to:
- How to make a line by tracking the couser with lists.
- That line is called a fruit slicer that the player can use to slice fruit as they are tossed up into the middle of the stage
- A health display that show your health onj the top right of the screen
- we also coded a cheat code that is activaded by tapping the letter "R"
I have learned alot from programing these games with my class, I hope you enjoy them!!!
Thank you again to Al Sweigart for teaching us how to program these games