My Game Programs!!
By Rodion G.
This year, I learned how to program using scratch and I created a couple games I would like to show you.We made a Cat Double jump program, Daleks Game program, Asteroids program, Rainbow Lines program, and a Fruit Slicer program.-Thank You Ai Sweigart for teaching us to program!-
Cat Double Jump
This game was the first one we programmed and it is what taught us how to program in scratch
- Keypresses
- Simulate Gravity
- How to program jumping
- How to program a wraparound
- Make the background change.
- How to add music
The second game we made is called Daleks.Programming the Daleks game we learned:
- Teleport that transports the cat to a random location with a cooldown of 5 seconds until you can teleport again.
- A shield that kills bats who touch it for 1 second and then it has a cooldown of 10 seconds before it can be used again.
- A start game screen and a game over screen.
Rainbow Lines
I created a rainbow lines game that:
- Made cool rainbow lines and patterns
- Let the player use variable sliders for the characteristics of the lines
- Rickrolls people
I made an Asteroids game and I learned how to code:
- Clones
- Spaceship velocity
- Broadcast and recieve messages in the code
- A score variable
- Asteroid movement and rotation
- A time out and game over screen
Fruit Slicer
I made a fruit ninja ripoff on scratch and learned how to code:
- The tracking of cursor location using lists
- A slice thing that the player can use to slice fruit as they are thrown up
- A health sprite that decreases as fruit is missed and falls down
- A keypress that is supposed to recover health which is cheating and cheating is bad so it makes you lose
- A cloud variable that shows your highest high score and it doesn't go away even when you refresh
I have learned a ton about coding and creating games in scratch.I hope you enjoy playing them!!