the reason to own a dog becauces it has been linked to better mental health and a lower perception of social isolation, which can reduce the risk of heart attacks and cognitive issues
the reason to have cats as a pet is becauces cat owners do have better psychological health than people without pets.they also claim to feel more happy, more confident, and less nervous, and to sleep, focus, and face problems in their lives better.
the reason to own a fish is because fish are known to have a tranquil, calming effect on anyone who watches them siwm through the water and fish are easier and less expensive to feed and care for than other pets
The reason to own a bird is becuase Medical research has even shown that the company of pet birds can improve your well-being, boost morale, reduce the symptoms of depression and prompt social interaction.
the reason to own a bunnie is because they can be as playful and silly as puppies or kittens, as independent and fascinating as cats, or as loyal and openly affectionate as dogs