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Chinese Dragon

Chinese Dragon

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What Is A Chinese Dragon?

A Chinese Dragon, also known as an East Aisan Dragon originates in, you guessed it, China! Chinese Dragons have the appearence of a snake with hands. They also susually have whiskers, manes, horns/antlers, and some even have fur/spikes all over them. Others see them having wings, though that would be useless seeing as they are belive to be one with the wind, therefore making them fly.

All things have a habitat, including Chinese Dragons! Chinese Dragons were said to live around water, on the floor of rivers, in waterfalls, on moutains, and unlike Western dragons, they didn't live in caves.


The myth of Chinese Dragons have been around since 5000 B.C! So, there are a lot of stories and folklore surronding them!

A few powers Chinese Dragons have is control of weather. Yes, they can make rain fall. Some people also think they can transform into other animals like turtles and fish. Another power is them being able to control water, like rain, waterfalls, lakes, streams, ect

Chinese Dragons have also never been seen as beasts, but as teachers. Chinese Dragons are said to come to emporers and give them advise and wisdom, and also to anyone who prays to them. With that being said, many beleive that they are friends with Naga, another serpent-like creature.

Also, Chinese Dragons are said to have 'created' Chinese people. Appearently, Yandi, who was an ancient tribal leader, came from a Chinese Dragon to start civilization. And that they did. But, now what they do for 'creation' is being the symbol of keeping up with the times.

Fun Facts

  1. Some legends say that Chinese Dragons come from fish that found enough strength to jump over waterfalls.
  2. In the 3000 B.C people use to think that the fossils of dinosaurs were the bones of dragons
  3. People think that Chinese Dragons and Tigers are swarn enimies, maybe due to the fact that in martial arts a "dragon" is when a move is calm and calculated, but a "tiger" is when one is blunt and forceful.
  4. People in Japan want people to be a "dragon" because that term means that they are successful, powerful, wise, and probally rich.
  5. Emperors in ancient China were called sons of dragons, and only they could have things with dragons, ordinary people having things with dragon assosiation was illegal at that time.
  6. Some people think that Chinese Dragons spoke in human languages, others think they speak via telepathy