The L.I.T Summer

My summer started when my mother heard about the L.I.T program. The L.I.T program is short for Latinos In Tech. Latinos In Tech teaches about fundamental leadership skills and basic coding

The L.I.T program is a part of a non profit organazation called P.R.A.H.D which is short for The Puerto Rican Assosiaction for Human Development. PRAHD is a group of concerned community members, leaders and professionals looking to provide services for everyone that they can.

The L.I.T program provides benefits to expand knowledge on yourself and to help educate the youth of this community. This year in the L.I.T program chose to teach some students from Camp by the Bay basic unplugged coding. Camp by The Bay is PRAHD’s summer camp open to children ages 5-13. During the school year they provide before and after programs to any students. There campers also enjoy field trips, guest speakers, and sports lessons.

The L.I.T program

The L.I.T program provides many benefits and experiences. One advantage that they provide would be a visitation to Rutgers learning about the college life and how to get in. But one other activity that the L.I.T summer program highlights is the Service Learning Project. The Service Learning Project is where the group of scholars choose one of PRAHD's 12 departments to perfrom a service. The services that we provided was teach them how to use and do unplugged coding. Our Service Learning Project was called Pirate Plunder. Pirate Plunder is a game that utilizes blocks to make sure the Pirate gets his treasure. For six weeks students learn to code, learn to serve and learn about leadership and there purpose. The LIT program strives to see young minds loving the community and serving the community even in code. The LIT program provided me with education in so many areas and can do the same with you. To look more about LIT and want to see even more benefits, click the link to direct to PRAHD.

Click Here to learn more about L.I.T

R.U Camp by the bay Camp By the Bay


PRAHD website, PRAHD, staff, Rutgers staff, K. Sanchez