I am a Game Programmer!!
By: Ann D
This year, we learned how to program by creating a lot of game programs in Scratch. We made a Cat Double Jump , a Daleks game, a Rainbow lines game, and a Fruit slicer game.-- Thank you Al Sweigart for teaching us how to program!--
Cat Double Jump
The Cat Double Jump program was the first game we coded. We learned how to program;
- Keypresses
- Gravity
- Jumping
- Double Jumping
- Wraparounds
- Background changes
- Sound and music
Daleks Game
The seconds game we programmed was called Daleks In the Daleks game we learned how to program:
- A Teleport Mechanism that transport the Cat to a random location on the stage. There's a cool down period of five seconds before the cat can be teleported again.
- A shield that protects the cat for one second, It has a cool down period of ten seconds before the shield can be used again.
- A Game Over screen that doubles as a Start screen.
Rainbow Lines
We created a Rainbow lines program that:
- Created beautiful patterns using rainbow lines.
- Allowed the player to use variable sliders to select the thickness of the line, the color, and the degree of transparency.
We created an Asteroids program. We learned how to code:
- clones
- Spaceship velocity
- Broadcast and recieve messages to coordinate game activity between sprites
- a scoreboard
- Asteroid velocity and rotation
- a gameover screen
Fruit Slicer
This is the final program we created, We programmed:
- The tracking of curser location using lists
- A fruit slicer that the player can use to slice fruit as they are tossed into the air
- A display of health that decreases as fruit is missed and falls to hit the ground
- A keypress to recover Health before you lose all your health.