Male and Female are concitered the 'normal' genders. Male tends to use he/him pronunds. Female tends to use she/her pronouns. I, myslef, was born in a female body but don't identify as one when I don't have to.
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Demiboys are people who idenify as a boy but don't always feel like one. Demigirls are people who idenify as a girl but don't always feel likeone. They mainly use the pronouns he/they or she/they. I, myself, idenify as a Demiboy. Most people get confused by it but witha little research it's easy to learn.
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Wikicommons - Wikicommons - CC-BY-SA
Non-binary is someone who doesn't idenify with a gender. Genderfluid is someone who idenifys with multible genders. Non-binary people tend to use they/them pronouns. Genderfluid people's pronouns change constanty. They're polar opposites. I have experimented with both and they are both amazing but most people don't even try to understand them.
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Wikicommons - Wikicommons - CC-BY-SA
Transgender people are people who were born in the opposte gender's body. They could be born in a female body but idify as a male or be born in a male body and idify as a female. There are many surgurys for Transgender people so they ca have the correct body parts. You can be trans and still idify as demiboy or demigirl. I idenify as a Transgender Demiboy. They have it harder then most because of their bodis.
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