From Pintrest
Charisma modifier for spells
- Otherworldly Patron
- Eldritch Invocations
- Pact Boon
- Mystic Arcanum
- Eldritch Master
Otherworldly Patron
- Archfey
- Celestial
- Fiend
- Great Old One
- Hexblade
- Kraken
- Raven Queen
- Seeker
- Undying
- Chill Touch
- Eldritch Blast
- Mage Hand
- Minor Illusion
- Poison Spray
- Prestidigitation
- True Strike
1st Level
- Charm Person
- Comprehend Languages
- Expeditious Retreat
- Hellish Rebuke
- Illusory Script
- Protection from Evil and Good
- Unseen Servant
2nd Level
- Darkness
- Enthrall
- Hold Person
- Invisibility
- Mirror Image
- Misty Step
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Shatter
- Spider Climb
- Suggestion