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i3 Student Saves Life

By: David Spangler,Daniel Hernandez Feb 2020

Picture taken by i3 Times Staff

During the incident when a lady was choking at a movie theater, the 8th grader Sophia Griffin jumped into action and used the Heimlich maneuver after learning it from her health class, Mr. Amelburu’s class to save someone’s life while choking on popcorn. Then, Sophia Griffin and Mr.A were interviewed after the event.

I felt responsible for giving the instructions of the Heimlich maneuver, I am very happy and impressed. She was one of my top students, a very mature 8th grader, I was Extremely proud, that she was able to save someone's life, one of the most valuable things a human can do, she only listens to the instruction she was able to do the Heimchelc maneuver under extreme pressure, which is no easy task especially when somebody's life is in front of you.

Do you think that she had put lots of effort into her work while you were teaching her how to do CPR? YES, the way she handled herself, and how much her actions were.

Being a responsible teenager in our society is crucial for our environment.

When we interviewed Sophia, this is what she said, I do feel proud of what he taught me, I had no emotions and I didn’t know what I was doing when I was doing the Heimlich maneuver, He was a good teacher and he taught us a lot, he treated us equally, seconds feel like hours during an adrenaline rush, I felt embarrassed and proud. Yes, I would recommend you doing it because at any moment someone could just, die and you never see the person again. When I saw the lady was choking she got up off her chair and her son yelled “she’s choking!,'' she's choking, then I did the Heimlich maneuver.

Writing Competition Opportunity

By: Natalie Prelutsky, Feb 5 2020

KSHP presents its monthly writing competition dedicated to the development of broadcast and communicating with public school students such as us. The writing contest is open to all grades, and two champions from each school are chosen. What your writing about: Which subject do you find the most thrilling? Then there must be no more than 600 words. Provide a student name school grade level with all entries. Due The 28th of February.

Study Hall Now Open

By: Natalie Prelutsky, Feb 5 2020

Thursday, room 102 open study hall. Need a quieter place to work in? Need access to the internet or reading on chrome. Every Thursday arrive at room 102!!!!! Slowly improving grades makes teachers and parents Happy!! DO IT!