Bus Groups

Generally, we have a middle school bus and a high school bus. Based on the ages of family members traveling as a family unit, some older students may be on the middle school bus and some younger students may be on the high school bus. Each bus will operate as an individual tour with their own tour director, their own group leader and their own tour chaperones. We will try to maximize as much cross over time between the 2 busses as possible. If you would like us to reconsider your group...just reach out.

Bus 1 Group Leader: Rachel Stender: restender2000@yahoo.com

Bus 1 Chaperones

Bus 1 Travelers:

Bus 2 Group Leader: Kelsey Stender-Moore: kelsey.e.stender-moore@mcpsmd.net@mcpsmd.org

Bus 2 Chaperones

Bus 2 Travelers: