Flights and Ticket Numbers

Bus 1:

Ticket numbers...note first number is Delta and second is United.

Bus 1 has a super early morning departure flight to Japan out of BWI on March 30 and a long layover in Minneapolis on the way home. We will have time to take the shuttle to the Mall of America and get lunch there for those travelers who are interested. EF will provide $15 towards lunch because the layover is longer than 5 hours.


Bus 2:

Ticket numbers...note the tickets are ticketed in a group...the full 13 digit ticket number may work better to log into your trip.....may need to try the confirmation number first, then get to a screen with the ticket number.

Bus 2 is traveling out of National/Reagan airport and has 2 layovers on the way to Osaka. On the positive side, the return flight lacks the long layover on the way back to DC.
