
King T'Challa

T'Challa Udaku is the current king of Wakanda and beholder of the power of the Black Panther after the former great king and former Black Panther T,Chaka Udaku fatally died in a bombing during the signing of the Sakovian Accords caused by Helmut Zemo.As holder of the Black Panther T'Challa is gifted with special abillities such as enhanced speed,agillity,stregth,stamina,and hightend senses due to consuming the Heart Shaped Herb.T'Challa also posessess extreme intellect and incredible hand hand combat,along with the abillity to tap into the knowledge of the past Black Panthers due to a strong spirtual connection to the panther god Bast.

image description CC-BY-ND-NC https://wallpapercave.com/tchalla-wallpapers

Under his reign King T'Challa has reveal lp to any in need.T'Challa has fought alongside the avengers on many occasions and played a pivitol role in the fight against Thanos.

Princess Shuri

Although still young Princess Shuri Udaku has a bright mind and is the head of the Science and Technology Department.As the head Shuri has designed many of the suits and weapons the Black Panther has,including his vibranium nanite suit that asorbs kinectic energy and redirects it at its source.Shuri is also responsible for the communication of all Wakanda that take the form of all beads that take up minimal space and have unlimited range that plays a 3d hologram.Princess Shuri is next in line to take to inherit the Black Panther on the occasion King T'Challa dosnt have kids.

Image description CC-BY-ND-NC https://wallpapercave.com/shuri-wallpapers
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