My Hobbies


Console Player

Gaming is an awesome hobby and doesnt cause violence lik all the boomers think they do. It allows people to relax unwind and destress, while also allowing one to play competitivly and even for a job if they wish to pursuit it.


Fencers Face to Face Crossing Blades

Fencing is not a very well known or watched sport. I used to fence sabre, but I no longer fence. It was fun while I didand I might go back sometime in the future not only becasue it was fun but also because it could lead to a scholarship to a prestigious college.

Dungeons and Dragons


Dungeons and Dragons, is a storytelling roleplay game where you make a character and play as that character in an original or premade story with a party of people. The use of dice decides what happens to your character and ultimately what happens to the story.