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Personal Traits


My spiritual gift is encouraging because I enjoy encouraging people to work at there max and never give up. Another reason I'm an encourager is because when you are an encourager it is satisfying to see the people you encouraged doing there best and listen to yourself. I really encourage everyone to be encouraging to make people who don't believe in themselves. I became and encourager because one of my friends encouraged me. Encouraging doesn't come on your own you need someone to encourage you. If you give people words of encourgment they will keep passing it on and life will be better and better by the day.


A character Trait that I have is humorous because I am funny. I am the class clown and always have been. Being humurous is great and fun to have. It is great to make people laugh. I have always loved making people laugh. If you don't laugh you are most likely sad or something is wrong with you.


Another character Trait I have is empathetic because I care for everyone.

Nik scootering