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About the Creator of this Website

The creator of this website goes by the nickname "GDog". He obviously likes license plates. GDog also likes Minecraft. His favorite number is 64, mostly because it is a big number in Minecraft. Nowadays, it just became a number that he likes. GDog also likes the numbers 8, 16, 32, 46, 124, 128, 129, 132, 255, and 256. Interestingly, the number "64" ended up in GDog's life a lot, from one of his favorite childhood TV shows to the number of a bus that he liked. Even before Minecraft was a thing, GDog liked the number 46. His favorite number was once 4, but over time 64 became better. Also, as mentioned before, GDog likes the number 64 and the related numbers up until 256. 16 is the "diamond level" of Minecraft, 32 is the "gold level" of Minecraft, 64 is sea level, 124 used to be the highest mountain ever found on Minecraft, 128 used to be the height limit, 129 used to be the highest point that anything could be (when you grew trees at level 128), 255 is the PC height limit, 256 is the true height limit.

Questions/issues you may Have

Issue: Your license plate/image is on this website without permission

Solution: Keep in mind that, according to Royce Williams (who talked to DMV people on this issue), the plates and the numbers are not sensitive information. It is much easier for someone in a city to go to the local DMV and pay $5 to find out your information, however, online from the other side of the country, it is not as easy.

If you absolutely don't want your image and/or license plate on my website, email me here.

Issue: There are images that are obviously not yours without a credit

Solution: Oops. Email me at the above location, and I'll add it when I work on this website again.

Q: Who created this website?

The guy who created this website goes by the nickname "GDog". His ALPCA number is 12423, in case you are in the ALPCA and that matters for some reason.

Q: How many license plates do you have?

A: I have about 800 license plates in my collection. About 300 of them are from Wisconsin,

Q: When was this website created?

A: October 10th, 2018 was when this website was created. However, the idea of a document on license plates has been around since 2016. I used to have a document called "license plate book" back then, where I would write about my license plates. Eventually, the document got too large, so I split off the most interesting state plates into their own document, so then came "License plate book- Wisconsin". I worked on that until September 27, 2018, oddly enough, just a couple weeks before I created this website. I still have the document, which features my old photos I took with my old chromebook... they are grainy, dark, and crooked. I actually had an article on there about a plate I had just gotten, after my cleaning tips section

Q: Why do you collect license plates?

A: Because they're interesting. I first came to the stickers in 2012, when I was just 9. I still specifically collect license plates with stickers, particularly when someone doesn't follow the guidelines of sticker placement.

Copyright of material on this website

About half of the images on this website are my own images, and most of the images without a credit are my own images I took. My images can be used under the Creative Commons By 4.0 license. However, once in a while I will forget to add a credit. The other images from CC licenses are licensed under CC licenses. The W. Yoder Auction images I asked permission to use.

The license plate information itself (numbers, color cycles, etc.) are public domain information, and you most certainly do not need to ask permission or credit me to use the information, but it would be nice to have a credit.

The HTML used to make this website, I don't want that being copied. Though there's probably some term in Code.org's terms of service that says none of the copyright is owned by me. I don't mind if you use my website as a template to make your own website, but if you are going to copy everything, I will not be happy.

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Created November 6, 2018. Updated February 14, 2019.
All images on this site created by me are licensed under CC-BY 4.0. All images without a credit are assumed to be created by me.