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cross under a sunset photo

(aaron-burden, Unsplash)

Person of Impact

My mom has defiantly impacted the faith and relationship I have with Jesus, we pray at dinner and whenever my mom prays, I always make sure to listen extra carefully.


God is...

God to me is like my friend and my holy father, I trust him because he is the only one who knows how my life will go so whenever something happens for the better or for the worse, I know it happens for a reason. Example, when my mom got sick my parents stopped an unhealthy habit, which then escalated to getting a bigger house (right before Covid) and then eventually getting a dog!


Samuel 16:17:

Absalom said to Hushai, “So this is the love you show your friend? If he’s your friend, why didn’t you go with him?”



I relate to this verse because one of my friends are moving to Texas, and I want to go with them. But to make it worse losing friends is one of my worse fears, and I'm afraid it might happen if we loose contact.